
In today's world, digital marketing has developed as one of the most desirable job routes, and search engine optimization is the digital marketing specialists that are in most demand. In point of fact, industries such as search engine optimization, social media, and analytics are likely to be responsible for the creation of more than 1,50,000 new employment over the course of the next few years. If you are hoping to secure your dream job in SEO and are a beginner or an experienced professional, the following SEO questions and answers will help you obtain an in-depth understanding of the most often-asked SEO interview questions and answers. If you are looking to land your dream job in SEO, you should review these questions and answers. Here is a fast review to help you prepare for your SEO interview questions and answers, and save you time and effort.

We hope that by reading this blog, you will be better prepared to answer any SEO interview questions that may come up. New graduates that excel in search engine optimization are able to quickly get their first professional positions. Web marketing professionals in search of a new challenge.SEO executive interview questions at staffing firms or HR managers looking for an SEO prospect.

Here are the Top 20 Important SEO Questions and Answers :

1. What is Keyword Research, and how many keywords can we use on each page?

The act of identifying and evaluating search terms that users type into search engines with the intention of using that data for a particular purpose, most often for search engine optimization (SEO) or general marketing purposes, is referred to as keyword research. Researching keywords may indicate which queries should be targeted, how popular those searches are, how difficult it will be to rank for those queries, and more.

It is beneficial to have three primary keywords and some secondary keywords, but it shouldn't appear artificial within the text, and the amount of keywords that should be utilised depends on the length of the content, the page flow, the complexity of the keywords, and other factors.

2. What's the difference between 301 Redirection and Canonical Tag?

The 301 Redirect notifies the search engine that the location of a certain page has changed in a way that is irreversible. After the receipt of this signal, the page in question is deleted from the index of the search engine. Additionally, it transfers the accumulated search engine optimization credit to the page that has been moved.

When you wish to rewrite the canonical URL of a page, you may utilise the 301 redirects to do this. If you decide to change the title of your blog, for example, 301 redirects will make it possible for you to choose not only which pages should be redirected but also the new location to which they should refer after the modification. When you have canonical URLs that are reliant on the content of a page, you may utilise the 301 redirects that are available to you.

When deciding whether or not to utilise the 301 redirect, there are a few aspects that need to be considered. Access to the server, most often via FTP, is necessary in order to perform a 301 redirect. There is also a possibility of a lag in the process through which search engines transfer link authority to the new site.

It is not the purpose of a redirect to bring all of a website's pages to the same location on the new website, such as the Home Page. The creation of a new page that is relevant will bring about the most advantage. On the other hand, the canonical property notifies the search engine that a certain document has many versions of the page. These signals are sent by the document. Only that URL, which is specifically stated in the canonical property, will be taken into consideration as the correct one.

The canonical tag is an instruction sent by a webmaster to search engines so that they will only display one version of a web page even when there are several versions of that page.

When Google detects the canonical tag, it is able to determine which page should be shown in the search engine's results. The 301 redirect is quite similar to the 302 redirect, but the main difference is that it redirects all of the traffic from the old page to the new one.

If you are going to utilise the canonical tag, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Even if you include a canonical tag, it is possible that duplicate sites may still appear in the search results. It is possible for search engines to disregard the rel=:canonical tag since it is a recommendation and not a mandate. Misuse of the tag on sites that do not include a significant amount of content that is identical to or copied from other sources. When using the canonical tag, there is a possibility that the implementation of the tag is not done correctly.This question is the most important for SEO executive interview questions.

3. What is keyword cannibalization and how do I avoid it?

Cannibalization of keywords occurs when many blog posts or articles on a website struggle with one another to get a high position in Google's search results for the same search term. Either because the subject matter that they both cover is very similar, or because you optimised them both for the same keyword. When you optimise many posts or articles for the same set of search terms, the odds that they will rank well for those terms decrease. When it comes to the search results for a certain query, Google will often only display one or two results from the same domain at a time. There is a possibility that you will get three if your domain has a lot of credibility.

You can quickly and easily see whether your site is suffering from keyword cannibalism. Simply do a search on your site using a term for which you expect to see several results. For instance, I may go to Google and type in the readability rankings. Both of the top stories are ones I thought may be duplicated. Searching Google with "" . Whether you're wondering if keyword cannibalism is a problem for your site, all you need to do is type in the phrase "keyword." Use the same term in Google (using a private browser or local search result checker, such as to double-check your results. What specific pages of yours appear in search results, and how do they fare? Of course, it's not an issue if two of your sites for the same keyword are ranked first and second. However, do you notice that your articles are positioned, say, seventh and eighth? That means things need to be fixed up.

4. How much content does a page need to rank?

According to Fortune, an average of 600-700 words per page is excellent for search engine optimization. According to Fortune, websites with less than 300 words per page are deemed "thin" by Google's criteria and would likely rank lower in search results. Figuring out the optimal content strategy for SEO may be at most complicated. The quality of your site's content is one of the most critical determinants of its ranking. When you cannot create a lot of content, it is essential to have a strong SEO strategy. You may be asking how you can rank a website without much content. However, there are a few techniques to rank your website.

Here are some strategies on how to rank high without producing a great deal of content:

  1. Google prioritises the quality of a website's content when ranking sites. If your material is of sufficient quality, it will rank well on search engines such as Google and Bing.

  2. Social media shares are also a significant ranking influence. If your material receives shares and likes on social media, it will rank better on search engines such as Google and Bing.

  3. Links from other websites are also critical ranking criteria for search engines such as Google and Bing. To ensure that your website ranks higher on major search engines, you must get links from other websites. You may guest blog on authoritative websites.

  4. Use long-tail keywords and write about themes with low levels of competition. Utilising keywords in the title and meta description of a website. Including important keywords in the anchor text of the URL.

5. What could be wrong if the keywords are ranking well but we're still not getting traffic?

In many cases, this may be resolved by enhancing the structure of the internal links inside your organisation. Make sure that other pages and topics on your site that aren't as significant link to the one that you consider to be the most important. By doing so, Google will be able to determine which of your posts is most significant to you, and it will have a better chance of rewarding that content with a higher ranking.

After doing what you consider to be all of the required measures to rank a page for a certain keyword, you discover that another page on your site ranks higher for that term.

This is an irritating issue, but unfortunately, it's rather frequent. If the "wrong" page is showing up, it's because Google isn't recognizing the page you wanted to present as the best destination for visitors, and there might be a number of reasons for this. Even though your intended page might be the best place to go, logic doesn't work here. Algorithms determine the ranking, and SEO techniques can try to fix it.

If the "wrong" page comes up, it could hurt the user experience, lead to fewer conversions, or cause your bounce rate, click-through rate (CTR), or engagement metrics to be lower than they should be.

You can fix the problem in a few different ways.

Step 1: Assess the User intent of your target keyword

Step 2: Look at the page's content

Step 3: Analyse the Page's Content

Step 4: Analyse Your Internal Links

Step 5: Evaluate Your External Links

Step 6: Examine Your User Information

6. What is a rich snippet?

Rich snippets are the highlighted text that shows at the top of organic search results, in a box, and sometimes with an image. Webmasters may mark up information with structured data so that search engines can readily recognise the kind of content and display it as a rich snippet. Rich snippets are not part of SEO, but when implemented, they may improve SERP results

7. Exactly what do the terms "keyword frequency," "keyword density," "keyword difficulty," and "keyword proximity" mean?

The quantity of times a certain keyword phrase appears on a web page is referred to as the page's keyword frequency, and it is measured in times. When optimising a website, we have to be cautious not to utilize a phrase an excessive amount, to the point where we are committing keyword stuffing.

1. Keyword Difficulty: This is a measurement that indicates how difficult it is to rank for a certain phrase depending on how popular that term is and how many other businesses are also trying to rank for it. The more difficult the term is, the greater the time commitment or a number of backlinks that are necessary.

2. Keyword Density: The frequency with which a certain word or phrase appears on a website page is referred to as the page's keyword density. When the keyword frequency is substantially higher than what is considered to be the ideal level, search engines may misinterpret this as an attempt to "stuff" terms. As a consequence of this, we need to make certain that the keyword density for any important or secondary search terms does not exceed an appropriate level. For instance, the density of a phrase in a piece of writing that is 200 words long is 2.5 percent if that term appears five times. Although there is no such thing as an ideal keyword density, the suggested range for SEO is between 3 and 4%.

3. Keyword Proximity: The distance between two phrases on a web page may be calculated using a concept called keyword proximity.

8. What is Schema? Why should we use it? Can you think of three ways this schema is used?

Schema Markup is a kind of structured data that, if implemented on a website, enables search engines to have a better understanding of the content of that website and provides users with extra information directly on search engine results pages (SERPs). The rich snippet does not boost the search ranking of the website; however, it does improve the click-through rate (CTR) of the listing, which ultimately improves the ranking in the long term.

We make use of schemas because they provide us with opportunities to cut corners when it comes to comprehending the large quantity of information that is present in our surroundings. However, these mental frameworks also lead us to discard crucial information in favour of focusing only on things that confirm our well before views and ideas. This is because we only consider evidence that supports our pre-existing beliefs and ideas.

1. Logical Schema: It shows how the database is set up from a logical point of view.

2.Physical Schema: This is a description of how the database is set up on a physical level.

3.View Schema: This shows how the database is set up at the view level.

9. What are the different categories of SEO techniques:

There are three different forms of search engine optimization:

On-page Search Engine Optimization β€” On-page or on-site The optimization of specific web pages within a website, as well as the overall website's ranks and the amount of organic traffic it receives, are all part of search engine optimization, or SEO. (You may also look into how to enhance your rating on search engines like Google and Bing.)

Off-page SEO - Off page SEO is a method that also refers to tactics for boosting the position of a website on the page that displays results from a search engine (SERPs).

Technical Search Engine Optimization- Technical SEO refers to the practice of optimising a website for crawling and indexing. This technique assists search engines in easily accessing, crawling, interpreting, and indexing the website in question.

In a digital marketing course, you may learn about the various tools and techniques that are used in digital marketing, as well as how to effectively plan and execute a digital marketing campaign. You may also learn about analytics and how to track the effectiveness of your marketing efforts to visit

10. Can you explain why backlinks are important and what the best ways are to get relevant ones?

Backlinks are extremely significant for search engine optimization (SEO) due to the fact that they reflect a vote of confidence from one website to another.

Backlinks to your website are essentially a vote of confidence from other people for the information that you have posted on your website. When many websites link to the same webpage or website, search engines may deduce that the material on that webpage or website is valuable, and consequently also worthy of being shown on a search engine results page (SERP). Therefore, working to get these backlinks may have a beneficial impact on the ranking position of a website as well as its search visibility.Backlinks are an essential component of search engine optimization (SEO) because they demonstrate to Google that your material is seen as significant enough by another resource for them to link to it within their own content. When a website receives more backlinks, search engines infer that the website contains quality material that merits a high position on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

11. Explain the purpose of the robots.txt file.

It is a text file that goes by the name robots.txt. Everything is accomplished by using this file. It instructs search engine crawlers on how to index and cache a domain, as well as a website, a web page, or a directory file. It is a simple text file that is uploaded to your web server and provides instructions to web spiders on whether or not they should access a certain file on your website. The robots.txt file determines how web crawlers for search engines view and interact with the pages of your website.

12. To begin, what are anchor texts? Exactly how important is anchor text for search engine optimization?

The text that may be read in a hyperlink is referred to as the "anchor text." Anchor texts are texts that help people grasp the objective of the page they are on. The usage of keywords gives it additional significance from an SEO standpoint. On the other hand, Google can punish you if your site is too optimised.

Important of anchor:

Natural anchor text is quite important, as is variation in the form of branded, long tail, image links, as well as partial and exact matches. Search engines make use of anchor text in order to ascertain the context of the page to which it is attached. This is one factor that search engines use to determine what a website is about, hence it is important for SEO purposes.

13. What characteristics of a website allow it to rank well in search engines?

The following are the most essential Google Ranking Factors:

  • ● SEO for technical purposes

  • ● Backlinks of High Quality and Relevance

  • ● Quality Content

  • ● Mobile Connectivity

  • ● Mobile Connectivity

  • ● Brand Stability

  • ● Domain Capability

  • ● User interaction

  • ● Basic Schema Code

  • ● Social Connections

  • ● Domain Authority

  • ● Content-Type

  • ● Depth of Content

  • ● Freshness of the content

14. How do you optimise your website? What search engine optimization techniques do you use frequently?

Follow these tips to boost your website's search engine optimization (SEO) and watch it surge to the top of search engine rankings.

  • ● Publish Authoritative, Relevant Content.

  • ● Update Your Content Consistently

  • ● Metadata.

  • ● Have a site worthy of links

  • ● Use alt tags

  • ● Developing dynamic metadata tags

  • ● Dynamic XML sitemap

  • ● Strong internal navigational architecture

15. What is the page's URL?

A URL, which stands for "Uniform Resource Locator," is the address of a unique document or web page on the Internet (www). A URL is made up of several parts:

  • ● Schema: It tells what protocol should be used to get to the Internet resource (HTTP and HTTPS are two of the most common protocols).

  • ● Host Name or Domain Name: This shows which host has the resource. is one example.

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16. Explain the function of a do-follow and a no-follow link.

No follow links exist because we do not want every single site or link to be crawled and ranked by a search engine. As a result, no-follow link properties inform search engine bots that they should not follow a certain link. A person can still click on the link, but a bot cannot. All other links, on the other hand, might be termed do-follow links, even if they don't need extra properties to inform search engine bots to follow them -the bots will do so by default this is the most important SE interview questions.

17. Can you explain why a website needs a title tag?

Search engine optimization highly depends on title tags since they are used to generate clickable preview text. They are useful for both search engine optimization and social media sharing because of the information they provide about a website's content. Title tags provide a clear and short summary of the content of a page. Getting your head around HTML might be a challenge at first. However, if you only learn one HTML element, make it the title tag. The title tag identifies your site to search engines and gives it a name. When figuring out where to place your website in search results, it is one of the first things that search engines look at.

18. What exactly is page speed, and why is it so essential?

When Google ranks websites, one of the factors it considers is a website's page speed since a better user experience is directly correlated to a quicker loading page. Page speed refers to how quickly a user's version of your website loads. If the interviewer asks what you would do to enhance page speed, explain how you've done this in the past using examples such as lowering image sizes, enabling compression, eliminating redirects, removing render-blocking JavaScript, utilising browser cache, improving server response time, using a content distribution network to compress files, optimising the code, and so on. If the interviewer asks what you would do to boost page speed, describe what you would do.

19. What is cloaking?

Cloaking is a method known as a "black hat" that involves the user finding different material on a web page contrasted to the content that a search engine discovers on the same web page. Cloaking is a way of fooling search engine algorithms into indexing a whole other site that is filled with keywords, while only presenting the original page to people.

20. What is Domain authority?

The domain authority of a website, also known as thought leadership, is a measure of the website's significance in relation to a certain industry or field of study. Moz is the company that invented a search engine ranking score called Domain Authority. This relevance has a direct impact on the ranking that it receives from search engines, which depend on analytical algorithms that are automated to establish domain authority.


Our advanced SEO Interview Questions and Answers guide is intended to be useful. We will frequently update the guide to keep you informed. Check out Clickbox Agency's Advanced Certificate in Digital Marketing, if you want to investigate and become an expert in digital marketing. Develop your knowledge of Search Engine Optimization and techniques and more… For further information

John Click

Digital Marketer | SEO Copywriter | Content Strategist

Experienced digital marketer with a proven track record in creating compelling content that not only engages audiences but also drives conversions and enhances SEO visibility. My expertise extends beyond marketing strategy to crafting persuasive narratives that resonate with your target audience. I combine data-driven strategies with captivating writing to deliver measurable results, ensuring your brand shines in the digital landscape.

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